Each apprenticeship program has a different application process and accepts applications at different times. Visit the website of the apprenticeship program you are interested in to learn more or call the program to find out more about when they accept applications and what makes a successful applicant. You can find open programs HERE.
In general, the apprenticeship committee reviews applications to make sure you meet the minimum qualifications for the program. If you’re qualified, your application is ranked either by a test, an interview, or an evaluation of past experience and education. You will be placed on a qualified list, called a “pool of eligibles” in the order of their ranking. If you do not meet the minimum qualifications or if your application has a low ranking, contact the committee to find out what you can do to improve your chances and try again.
Employers use the pool to fill apprenticeship vacancies as they become available. Some committees skip this step and allow direct entry into the program under certain circumstances. Information about a committee’s selection method is often explained on their program website.